Texas REALTORS® offers opportunities for you to enhance your skills as a leader, 无论是在你的社区, 在您的REALTOR®协会, 或者在你的业务中. 

Texas REALTORS® 领导 Mentor Program

You can also grow as a leader by learning how to get involved in the REALTOR® association through the Texas REALTORS® 领导 Mentor Program. The program requires you to complete a self-paced education series, 社团参与指引, before being matched with a seasoned leader whose expertise is relevant to your interests.

You and your mentor—who also must complete the 社团参与指引 series—will have three months together to focus on your goals in association involvement. Mentors and mentees are matching on a quarterly basis. 

When you complete the 社团参与指引 courses, you will receive a link to apply to be a mentor or mentee.

Check out the Texas REALTORS® 领导力导师计划常见问题解答. 下一场比赛日期: 2024年6月1日

Interested in becoming a part of the Texas REALTORS® 领导 Mentor Program?



The 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®领导力计划 (TRLP) prepares you to lead in local, 状态, and national association committees. The program provides participants with lectures, 演讲者, and exercises that address vital issues affecting you and your industry. The TRLP offers participants and graduates—more than 2,500—ongoing opportunities to meet other motivated REALTORS® and share learning experiences that focus on community issues and leadership skills. 


  • Learn to be an effective spokesperson
  • 磨练你的管理技能
  • Build relationships within your community
  • Learn good decision-making skills as a leader
  • Gain an understanding of your association’s political involvement
  • Learn about the management and governance of your association



  • Opening Retreat: Understanding 领导
  • 领导的定义
  • 领导交付的
  • 领导指示
  • 发言人培训
  • 领导开发
  • Legislature, Law, and Texas REALTORS®
  • 毕业

Contact your local association for dates and to enroll.